And now for some sound advice! At many Noosa wedding ceremonies, music plays a major role in the ceremony. Some go to enormous lengths to create a special soundtrack or hire a soloist or small band to play before, during and after. Others are content to use their phones or tablets to provide a little background harmony.
From my experience, it’s lovely to have some appropriate music playing as your guests arrive, giving your ceremony a lovely ambience right from the start. Then, of course, the bride’s dramatic entrance provides an opportunity for a favourite song or instrumental. For many, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience so I believe that, despite all the other things to organise and worry about, it is worth putting a bit of thought into the music. Is there an appropriate song that has special meaning for you both – that touches your soul? Or perhaps the tune that was playing the first time you met? Or maybe chose a very current song that will always be remembered from the year of your marriage. From then on, it will always be ‘Your Song’!
Live music can be amazing at a wedding ceremony. Having family or friends singing at the bride’s procession is just amazing. I’ve even had grooms singing and writing songs for their brides, and when their voices got a bit emotional it just added to the occasion.
With regard to playing pre-recorded music, there are also a few things to consider. If you are downloading music for your ceremony on your phone or tablet, allow 30 minutes worth for the pre-ceremony period as the guests arrive plus a couple of songs for ‘The Signing’ and at least 5 to 10mins post ceremony. Again, you will likely need some form of amplification. Normally, I am happy to play couples’ music through my own sound system, provided one of the guests takes charge of it.
Here are also a few other things to check:
- Be careful if you disable the passcode on your electronic device, the battery can drain very quickly.
- Make sure the music is properly downloaded. (I’ve seen more than one empty playlist! Or playlists that need wi-fi)
- Don’t leave your device in full sun – it will just stop working if it gets too hot.
- Please recruit someone responsible and reliable to look after the music.
Music and marriage are a magical combination. As J.K. Rowling wrote in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone: “Ah, music,” he said, wiping his eyes. “A magic beyond all we do here!”