Name-Giving Ceremonies 2017-07-12T00:46:12+10:00

The Name–Giving Ceremony

To be honest, I had never been to a naming ceremony before I did my training to be a civil celebrant.

But when I started writing my first name-giving ceremony, I soon realised what a delightful occasion it could be.

Why? For a start, the ceremony can take place anywhere – at home, in the backyard, a restaurant, or in a park.

Also, it is non-religious and without any legal standing. That removes the need for solemnity or unnecessary ritual.

Above all, a name-giving ceremony is a joyous opportunity for family and friends to get together to celebrate the gift of a new baby.

The child will receive a Name Giving certificate and godparents too (if desired).

The ceremony can follow a similar format to a wedding ceremony:

  • Introduction
  • Background on the family or birth of the child
  • Recognition of other siblings if appropriate
  • The meaning of the name
  • Blessing or gift giving ritual
  • Acknowledgement and promises by the parents/grandparents/guardians/godparents
  • Readings/poems/song
  • Naming of the child
  • Additional creative flourishes  (see below)
  • Presentation of the certificate
  • Conclusion
Some suggestions that you might like to consider to add colour and creativity to the proceedings are:

  • Releasing balloons (particularly if the ceremony is outside!)
  • Gifting the baby a message with guest’s photo for a keepsake box
  • Planting a shrub or small tree
  • Releasing butterflies
  • Lighting candles
  • Gifting a family heirloom
Whatever the format, wherever the venue, I would love to work with you to create the type of customized ceremony that reflects your hopes, wishes and dreams for your precious child.