Here are my 3 Commitments to you
- To achieve a wonderful, warm and unique wedding ceremony that truly reflects YOUR dreams and desires.
- To make the whole wedding planning process an enjoyable and creative adventure that builds excitement and anticipation for the bride and groom.
- To make the necessary legal and administrative aspects as easy and painless as possible while ensuring that everything is done in accordance with the law.
Being a marriage celebrant is a wonderful thing. To help people create a day they will remember for the rest of their lives is both a pleasure and a privilege » more
Time was when wedding ceremonies were either stiff, formal affairs in a church or a rather soul-less event in a registry office. Both options adhered to traditional formats and rigid rules » more
To ensure a seamless, high-quality ceremony that fully meets the needs of the bride, the groom and the law, we need to communicate often and well » more
No matter the tone, theme or number involved, most actual wedding ceremonies follow a relatively similar basic process. » more

What a Celebrant Does
Being a marriage celebrant is a wonderful thing. To help people create a day they will remember for the rest of their lives is both a pleasure and a privilege » more

Wedding Ceremonies
Time was when wedding ceremonies were either stiff, formal affairs in a church or a rather soul-less event in a registry office. Both options adhered to traditional formats and rigid rules » more
Let’s Work Together
To ensure a seamless, high-quality ceremony that fully meets the needs of the bride, the groom and the law, we need to communicate often and well » more