Example of a wedding ceremony
No matter the tone, theme or number involved, most actual wedding ceremonies follow a relatively similar basic process.
So here is a sample running order of a simple, elegant wedding ceremony that flows nicely and would meet most couples’ needs:
- Bridal Procession: (optional MUSIC) Bridesmaid(s) enters followed by the Bride accompanied by whomever, if she is being given away.
- Opening and Welcome: The celebrant introduces the ceremony and welcomes family and friends.
- Introduction and Background: The celebrant talks about the couple, how you met, or what it is that you love about each other. This is an opportunity to make your ceremony unique and personal.
- Monitom (this is a legal requirement):
“My name is Patricia Quinn and I am authorised by law to solemnise marriages according to law. Before you [Bride/s] and [Groom/s] are joined in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am bound to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter. Marriage, according to the law in Australia, is the union of two people to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life”.
- Presentation of the Bride: This may involve the traditional presentation of the bride by parent/s or special person or a blessing, a reading or an affirmation of support from everyone present.
- Reading(s): These can be done by a family member, friend, bride, groom or celebrant. I have plenty of lovely suggestions for personal vows and readings (click here). Alternatively, you can research your own – the internet has masses to choose from.
- The Asking: Celebrant addresses the couple and asks in everyone’s presence if they are prepared to enter into the marriage (this can be light-hearted)
- Marriage Vows: “I ask everyone here to witness that I, [full name of Groom] or [full name of Bride] take you, [Bride] or [Groom] to be my lawful wedded wife/husband”.
The celebrant can read them out for you or read them for you to repeat or make cards for you to read from.
- Exchange of Ring/s: (Other symbols or rituals may be chosen in place of or as well as ring exchange.)
- Reading(s): These may be done anytime during the ceremony and by anyone you choose.
- Declaration of Marriage: The celebrant declares the bride/s and groom/s, now husband/s and wife/wives
- Newly-weds Kiss: You’ve seen this moment in a thousand films and TV programmes – this is your first opportunity to kiss each other as a married couple.
- Signing of the Marriage Register and Marriage Certificates:
(optional MUSIC) – this usually only takes five minutes. Signatories:
Bride/s and Groom/s, 2 witnesses (over the age of 18) and the Marriage Celebrant are all required to sign the legal documents. - Presentation of the married couple and closing with announcements, if required: Photo opportunity of couple holding the marriage certificate.
- Bridal Recession (optional MUSIC)